Monday 14 March 2011


I thought a few searches for panoramic images and what they are would be a place to start...
So what defines an image as panoramic? 

Panoramic image is a kind of image with elongated fields of view, which is obtained using specialised equipment and panoramic software. A panoramic image covers a field of view of, approximately, or greater than, that of the human eye - about 160° by 75°. This means that a panoramic image generally has an aspect ratio of 2:1 or larger, or the width is at least twice as its height. Some panoramic images have aspect ratios of 4:1 and sometimes 10:1, covering fields of view of up to 360 degrees in horizontal line. Both the aspect ratio and coverage of field are important factors in defining a true panoramic image.

So basically, it has to show a view that is greater than that of the human eye, and this means that the image usually has a an aspect ratio of 2:1 or larger.
Here is an example of an early panoramic photograph:

View from the top of Lookout Mountain, Tennessee, Albumen prints, February, 1864, by George N. Barnard
As you can see, this is a composition of three photographs put together. This can be done a lot more seamlessly with software now.

Here is an example of modern panoramic photography:

These photos are interesting to me because they provide an overall view of what a panoramic image can look like; they're helpful in considering the way I want my panoramic image to look, even though the kind of image I plan on creating is a composite one using photoshop. 

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